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So today while I was out doing a delivery, I was listening to the radio, and they were talking about heroes… and more specifically they were asking people who their childhood heroes were/are.

There were all the usual ones: Parents/Grandparents/other relatives, Teachers, Soldiers/Police/Fire fighters, Superman, etc.

I realized I don’t really have, nor have I ever really had, a hero or person I have modelled my life after. (God/Jesus excepted)
Looking at it, I think I idealized ways of life, ideologies, rather than persons.

Considering how people do seem to generally have heroes… I don’t know… it bothers me that I don’t…

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people, life, generally, bothers, heroes
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In my opinion, the fact that you idealize actions/values is an asset. I think that’s an excellent mindset. All of us are fallible, but we each have a quality (or a few qualities!) that are admirable.

You’ve found a way to admire the good qualities in others without idolizing them. That’s amazing!

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i believe the wisest and most experienced friend you have should be the hero. this is why i look into older fellers who lived with more than i have.

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I think for a long time, and I suppose still, this question of "my hero" is one I have also struggled with. I have been disappointed many times in life by people and I have a very skeptical mind. I tend to look for both the good, AND the bad, in everything and everyone, and try to find legitimate doubts in even my most secure and comfortable beliefs.

That being said, there are certain people who I have a great deal of RESPECT for, but I wouldn't really call them my hero. I would just say they have admirable qualities that I do try to emulate, but calling them "my hero" seems a bridge too far somehow.

So, for a long time, I resolved, on this question with this answer: I should be my own hero. The idea here is that I would make my own way and light my own path, and indeed, I believe I have for at least part of my life. this kind of thinking has it's good and bad points and I think it's easy to get lost when we do this. Having someone to emulate often means we have the luxury of knowing which path to take, because we're simply copying or perhaps putting our own spin on someone else's path. So now I am at a point in life where I am not sure what I want to do next.

All that aside, I think it's possible to have a hero for a specific aspect of life. For example, I have a couple of intellectual heroes, Socrates among them. These are people who, when presented with an intellectual problem, i ask myself, "how would they proceed?"

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For what it is worth @Padre_J_Roulston you are one of my heros.

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soco wrote:
For what it is worth @Padre_J_Roulston you are one of my heros.

Thank you. 😊

(16 hours after post)
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I don't either. There are people who I admire, but nobody that I'd go so far as to call my hero.

Usually I admire one or a few things about them, but not everything. Nobody - no living person - is admirable in every way.

(22 hours after post)
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Padre_J_Roulston wrote:

soco wrote:
For what it is worth @Padre_J_Roulston you are one of my heros.

Thank you. 😊

i will admirably second that.

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NacthoMan wrote:
i will admirably second that.

Thank you too 😊

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I was always the same.

As a young teen girl all my friends were in love with pop stars and movie stars, I had no attraction to them. I loved the inspirational ones, the leaders and innovators.

For me now, its David Goggins, Gary Vee, Elon Musk, Simon Sinek, Will Smith.

I just find people fascinating. Their psychology, and their energy, passion. Looking back I dont think I have ever really been physically attracted to anyone. Its always their personality and aura.

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My only true hero is -and has always been- Bugs Bunny. Really. Head over to youtube and spend an hour watching Bugs and the way he adapts to every situation, and solves almost all of his problems without ever losing his sense of self.

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I would like to think that something like this wouldn't normally bother me... really there is no reason it should bother me. It is our differences that make us unique. Likely my unsettled nature about this stems from my depression now.

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