68 replies, Replies 61 to 68

We should make this a secular site.

Nevermind wrote:
I feel like in order to have this discussion and it mean anything you have to be willing to consider the otherside just as O am yours.
But you are only willing to see your perception.
We as a group are willingly ro accept your believes but you are not willing to meet us half way and accept ares.

At this point it almost feels like you just wanna work people up and fight.

So I'm gonna stop replying because I dont want encourage that.

I'm sorry someone hurt you but all humans are flawed. Therefore you can't force religion to be suppressed because it's what you want. If you dont eamt ro discuss religion it's very easy. Dont.

Anyway. I hope you have a good Easter.

thank you. Happy easter t9 you too

- written
We should make this a secular site.

Mya wrote:

Cham wrote:
But religion is fiction. To live in a real world believing in fiction is recipe for disaster.

Ehm, how about Easter bunny, or Santa, for example?!

What is a real world according to Cham? Define. Thank you.

A real world is where you don't waste needless time praying for things to happen. Prayer to an imaginary being is a waste of time. A real world is where you accept homosexuality as a natural trait amongst humanity. A religious world is one where the bible tells you it is wrong to be homosexual. In the real world you treat people for schizophrenia. In a religious world you believe in bogus demons. Want me to go on? In a real world you don't live in fear of hell. In a real world you do something because it is rational. In a religious world you do what a book written by uneducated people wrote thousands of years ago. Do I continue? In a real world we know that we came about through evolution. In a religious world we believe in genesis. Ignorance. Do you get the picture?

- written
We should make this a secular site.

Max wrote:
I don't agree with you calling me silly and boring, but respect your freedom.
I don't remember you being voted or assigned to being the "complete authority.

i didn't call you silly and boring. You are a victim of religion.

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We should make this a secular site.

Nevermind wrote:
Not everyone lives are ruined by religion.

Your experience was negative but the whole world doesnt have your experience.

You cant make choices for others. But you can express your concerns with them

But religion is fiction. To live in a real world believing in fiction is recipe for disaster.

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We should make this a secular site.

Cham wrote:

carolinecharlton91 wrote:
And secular beliefs aren’t toxic to those with religious beliefs? Although it sounds that you have been hurt by religion and that it doesn’t work for you, it does work for millions of people around the world. The key to peace is understanding and acceptance that people don’t share the same beliefs and that is ok.

they don't share the same beliefs because they are ignorant and indoctrinated. This is not qn insult. It is truth.

I only want to protect innocents from ruining their lives unnecessarily.

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We should make this a secular site.

carolinecharlton91 wrote:
And secular beliefs aren’t toxic to those with religious beliefs? Although it sounds that you have been hurt by religion and that it doesn’t work for you, it does work for millions of people around the world. The key to peace is understanding and acceptance that people don’t share the same beliefs and that is ok.

they don't share the same beliefs because they are ignorant and indoctrinated. This is not qn insult. It is truth.

- written
We should make this a secular site.

But by giving religious people freedom we give them the chance to introduce their toxic beliefs to others. They make more people fear hell fire and brimstone and silly stuff like that which only ruins lives. A huge part of my life was ruined by Christianity. Wasted.

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Hello I'm Mera.

Usually it is the other way around. You don't usually have to prove that you are Mera.

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