1,205 replies, Replies 61 to 70

so anyone still here?

i think so, without haste i believe heh.

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My wife is such a tease.

im not the solution or suggesting it will work.. but perhaps a little harmless neg would steer some love to your direction.

if you might say..after the hand job ditch, "the short-stop was real lovely" my guess it'll make er think it over.

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the new me ow.

lots of love from here to you @Cregyn, its not easy but doing my best here.. lentils is my new favorite food lol

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the new me ow.

@Cregyn i get it, theres always someone having it much worse. for that i should be ultimately greatful for what i got no matter how hard it is for me.

i humblely respect and praise for those who thrive with much difficlut situations. my hats off to the real champs.

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the new me ow.

for what its worth its for sho lol

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the new me ow.

thanks, it wasnt pleasant at all. still dealing with the adjustments.. the minor stuff i never cared for before. carb counting is a big deal now.. i gotta look at all the labels. just saying when i got a got enough on my plate - theres more~!! i really miss the careless living :(

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Apathy, laziness.

sloth is a sin, so they say.

I would guess for those who slug it out - love their vices.

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What are/were your plans for Halloween?

its always nice to have that one neighbor putting alot of effort in making that halloween decor. Over here only one on the street made that happen - shame to think if its sad or badass.

i think its surely badass.

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Are you woke?

theres 2 genders and 50 kind of gay said the cat meme.

I dunno and really dont care.. theres more important stuff to really be concerned about.

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Every time I come here now is deader than a door nail.

years ago i believe i tried to shake things up, it worked for a while. tho time for someone else to do so. pew pew

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