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Why are teachers and other school staff paid so little?

Anonymous wrote:
I live in a "right to work" state, so no effective unions.

It is so funny that it is called "right to work." I have been listening to a lot of history podcasts lately and the term "right to work" originally related to wanting laws to get passed where the government had to provide you with a job if you could not find one.

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PSA: There is probably some kind of election going on in your county this November.

smiley wrote:

Yes, vote, but they never offer any good candidates. The big two parties in the US are both criminal mafias. Vote anyway though.

That is why we should have ranked choice voting...would make it easier for independents to run and win.

Regardless, even if there are only two candidates, most likely you will prefer one to the other...most people have opinions are the major issues of the day.

Also propositions are often on the ballot. Where I live there are propositions that are actually proposing changes to the State constitution. Last year we had a proposition about term limits of county officials.

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Why are teachers and other school staff paid so little?

Where i live, there are tons of male teachers, so i don't think misogyny. But then again teacher salary tends to be higher in my area too ๐Ÿค”

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Why are teachers and other school staff paid so little?

It some places (tho not most, from what i understand) being a teacher is quite lucrative. It depends where you live.

I would say teacher salary is probably correlated with how strong the teacher's union is in that area.

Also keep in mind teachers work for the state, so if there was enough popular sentiment there really is no reason public school teachers salary shouldn't go up.

So i would say the reason is lack of strong labor organization in many places and general public apathy and inertia on the issue.

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Is it wrong to wish someone would go away?

It really depends on the context but i would say in general wishing something has little effect on anyone else's life so the ethical considerations are minimal to be sure.

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Best breakfast?

I like eggs with toast or bread. I need juice with my eggs tho...just a thing i have.

While i like eggs once in a while i can't have them everyday...i get tired of them easily. Also so much cholesterol!

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So many things!

Hope the moment keeps going

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Places to see in United States?

Well, niagara falls is in the northeast.

Florida and louisiana have some nice swamps if you're into that.

I think some of the great lakes are partly in midwest.

Great resource is if you go to your local library and get a travel guide for specific state after looking at a map.

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Are you a cat person or a dog person?

I think im a cat person because they seem like less work rhan dogs. But i have never actually owned any animals.

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What song makes you happy?

I am not a classical or opera fiend by any means but these particular reliably have a positive effect on my mood or i will play them when i am feeling celebratory.

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