905 replies, Replies 71 to 80

Are you pro life?

I am going to respond directly to the post and then unsubscribe.

I think its a creative and fun legal argument. I don't know that it holds up if you assume that the fetus/zygote whatever is a living person with rights, because they did not choose to inhabit the womb. If a woman decides to have a child, conceives, and then changes her mind, she has basically put the zygote/fetus there against its will and is now deciding that it doesn't want it...and to me even if it is an accidental pregnancy that doesn't really completely absolve the potential mother from responsibility. Maybe it does in a case where the pregnancy is the result of sexual violence though.

My own opinion bears some similarity in reasoning, though in the opposite direction. I believe abortion is wrong whether or not you believe zygote/fetus has rights or not. I think the fact that it potentially will create a life is important and that we should respect life and allow it to do what it wants within reason. That, however, is a different question than whether or not abortion should be legal. Legality ought to be concerned about the rights of the unborn being, and that will depend on whether or not we consider it a person.

I'm sure that zygotes and embryos aren't people, anymore than the individual egg or sperm cell is a person, and I actually don't think there can be reasonable disagreement about whether or not zygotes and embryos have sentience. I think rights should be endowed based on sentience, and it's debatable whether or not a newborn has more sentience than adult pigs who are legally tortured and killed en masse everyday, and that we are in no great rush to protect the rights of.

So if personhood (or whether or not we endow a being with rights) is based on sentience, whether or not an abortion is legal, for me, is going to depend on the stage of fetal development. I haven't studied fetal development at all really and I'm sure there is a lot science doesn't know yet anyway, so I generally withhold judgement on that, but certainly first trimester abortions should be legal without restriction, regardless of whether or not I personally approve of them.

Edit: Forgot to mention: I believe that even after the first trimester, certainly if the mother's life is in danger some exceptions should made, also the question of serious side effects comes into play as well. If it is not discovered until late pregnancy that the baby is going to be born with a very serious deformity, abortion should be an option.

Also tangentially related monty python for fun:


- written
Are you pro life?

BA1 wrote:

Lano wrote:
Unrelated question...why am i able to edit this post?

Because that was a primary feature of the old Help website and Roco has seen fit to maintain that ability.

We were always able to edit people's questions? I don't remember that.

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Are you pro life?

Unrelated question...why am i able to edit this post?

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We have Covid-19!

TheClue wrote:
Get over it, man is not superior and never will be. Have a great day!!!

I agree with this completely. That hasn't stopped the vaccine from saving lives.

TheClue wrote:
If you body cannot adapt to this virus "Shots or not" then you will die. Plain and simple.

Respectfully, there is a lot of statistical evidence that proves that this is not true. Here is one article among hundreds i found from a simple google search:


Im gonna bow out and turn off notifications on this before the drama kicks off again have a nice day ya'll

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We have Covid-19!



Those are cdc guidelines. Your state will have specific guidelines, or quarantine requirements on their health department website (i would hope).

Your doctor should be able to tell you too.

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Every time I come here now is deader than a door nail.

I have been intentionally staying away after a recent negative interaction on here and also, like you, disappointed with the lack of traffic.

I think a lot of people who come here aren't ones to post and the ones who do ofteb post "controversial" things that don't appeal to those who drift in and out.

If someone posted a topic on the existence of God it might get 50 or more replies, primarily from the same two or three users who argue vehemently and disrespectfully with eachother.

There are the "i need genuine help ones" and i think those tend to be the most productive, but not many people do that lately. I mean, really, lots of people just post those types of questions to their twitter or fb page these days. Its pretty easy to get a few 100 or 1000 followers on twitter by simply asking people to follow you for a follow back. So they just post there i guess. And you can even be anonymous.

Also...lots of other sites like this one (or often used like this one) that are just more popular like quora and reddit. So people unlikely to take a chance on a random site like this and honestly not sure i blame them.

If we still had the help.com url...i bet it would turn things around. At least a little. But im sure that won't happen since it would probably cost a bit of money to secure it.

I think we have to face the fact that the primary appeal of this site is the nostalgia value for a small group of users. We do and will get randos seeking help from time to time but not often.

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Hi is anyone good at Excel??

soco wrote:
What about us Mac users....??

Apple is evil.

That's hyperbole.

But...they rub me the wrong way. They have good machines, don't get me wrong, but their technology is designed to not work with different brand products and it tends to be expensive...so they lock people into using their things cus "if i change y, my x won't work as well or at all."

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Hi is anyone good at Excel??

Padre_J_Roulston wrote:
Though I'm late to the party, and you fixed the issue, I've found this link helpful when it comes to using Excel.


Some of the shortcut keys in that gif are pretty neat.

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Hi is anyone good at Excel??

I am relatively good at excel, and i emphasize the "relatively."

I use excel every day for work and so i know a lot of tricks that most people probably don't.

That being said, there is much i do not know and there are many far better with it than I, and who can do seemingly magical things with it.

All that being what it is, its a very simple thing to fix your issue. Create a column with a formula =100*[whichever cell you want to change]

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I got my 2nd dose of vaccine today and i gotta say...

Anonymous wrote:
You chased away some awesome help users.
A lot of them talk about you .

You know what...you're right, I'm an egoist. You were right, and I was wrong (for whatever I did) and I ask for forgiveness. If it is any consolation at all, I will stop posting and never bother anyone on here ever again. Just please, forget about me and move on with your life (lives?). Take care, peace, and love.

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