905 replies, Replies 891 to 900

I need to forget about a guy..

I'm sorry. Guys are terrible, in my experience. Makes me glad I'm a lizard, and not a guy. I'm assuming there is a good reason why you want to forget him. Just remember that and keep going. Distract yourself, get a hobby, meet new people.

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Profile change - help, please.

I'd like to know this too.

Also how do you get rid of or change the "aka" field.

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Post closed, thank you for your help

I think the term "freshman" is, by implication, meaning you are the freshman of some institution.

In my school system, 9th graders, who are traditionally high school freshman, were seniors, because 9th grade was included in my junior high and 10th grade was freshmen for hs. (they changed it eventually to the normal set up). Maybe that's why your husband is getting confused? Could be his hs was set up differently.

In any case, I think freshman means that it's your first year, regardless of grade. So in a school that includes 1st grade through 12th, 1str graders are freshmen, since it's their first year in that institution.

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I've convinced myself that I've cheated on my boyfriend while blackout drunk when I KNOW deep down I did not.

I remember listening to an npr interview that basically "blackout drunk" is something some people with certain brain chemistry are susceptible to. So you don't necessarily have to he super drunk to experience it. However, if you do experience black outs when drinking, you should probably be VERY careful when you drink, because I can imagine it is scary to lose time like that.

If your friend was with you the whole night, then you're fine. like what was said above, it doesn't sound like she has a good motive to lie about it.

As a minor thought, you do seem a little over worried about the thought of cheating on your bf, which seems a little weird in and of itself? Like when you say that even thinking about kissing another guy disgusts you, while a romantic idea, seems a little unrealistic. We all have imaginations...anyway, as far as whether you did something, I bet you're fine.

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Solipsism (/ˈsɒlɪpsɪzəm/ from Latin solus, meaning 'alone', and ipse, meaning 'self') is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist.

I think, therefore I am. But why not just, Think. Think. Think. And not bother to assume that I must be the one thinking. Maybe the thoughts belong to someone else. To assume the thoughts that appear in the head on these shoulders as these hands type are my own is just as good as to assume that the sandwhich that these eyes see in your hand is mine just because these eyes in this head see it.

There's a giveness to thoughts though-they're personal, no one else seems to hear them unless I open my mouth, and I can do it at anytime that I'm not asleep. How can the thoughts that I can hear that you cannot hear be yours and not mine? But might as well ask why the voice the deaf man cannot hear when he uses his mouth not be his and not mine when I hear it while it's just we two in the room.

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What song do you have stuck in your head?


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Wait, why wouldn't the money that you gave yourself be good? It would still be valid money, even if it wasn't printed yet. I mean, it wouldn't, but no one is going to check the bill's serial number or anything if you spend it.

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Sometimes I need to help

Are you saying that you don't know how to ask for help?

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Hello, HelpQA!!

I really can't speak for the people, but the Komodo Dragons on this site are truly wonderful, intelligent, and good-looking.

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Name for a new puppy.

Most of my dog friends are named "Grrrrrr" and "wuff wuff"

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