71 replies, Replies 11 to 20


I still visit now and then. Happy (late) 4th!

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so anyone still here?

I stop by now and then. Happy new year, everyone :)

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I have almost achieved a goal I have been chasing for the past 2-3 years.

Good for you following your dreams. It's scary; but for every thing that might go wrong, there is another that might go right, so try to keep your eye on the positive and don't let anything deter you or lead you away from your path.

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My only true hero is -and has always been- Bugs Bunny. Really. Head over to youtube and spend an hour watching Bugs and the way he adapts to every situation, and solves almost all of his problems without ever losing his sense of self.

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I'm sorry you're going through that. Maybe cut back your work a bit and spend more time on a new hobby or with family? Something that keeps your mind busy?

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Why is the saying no good deed goes unpunished.

Yeah; I think it is sometimes.

When you do nice things for people they can take it for granted, then when you stop they get angry and do things that cause trouble for you.

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i just quit this site.

You say "I'm tired of it all being so metaphorical."

Why is it metaphorical? Is there something physically stopping you from standing up, taking a shower, putting on your favorite clothes, opening the door and walking 'til you reach a better life?

Sometimes, you have to take a deep breath, and just GO.... It takes courage and it takes a fair amount of no-longer-care-what-anyone-else-wants but if you're miserable where you are, then change it. No one can do that for you. The journey may be long or short, but you must take every step of it for yourself.

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Everyday I want to crawl into a hole and be alone.

I think the "secret" is to always be the most kind person in the world to yourself. Others will be critical, so that's a role you don't have to play. Instead, just always think of yourself as your own favorite child, and think kind things.

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i just quit this site.

I see your post just fine. What's the issue?

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Why do people still use meth?

I suppose they reach a low point where they just don't care about the long term, and think only of feeling better at the moment.

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