71 replies, Replies 21 to 30

Is there a section for intensely serious topics like child abuse experiences?

I have been here at help.com for many years. Attempting to help people make it through TODAY is not meant to minimize or deny or ignore that bad things happen. But as someone upstream said, we all have our own "style" of help, none (?) of us are professionals, and we're all volunteering our time & efforts.

I have been on the "wrong end" of a great amount of abuse in my life, and have found what works for me, and try to pass that on. If you don't find my advice helpful, just wait a while; someone else will come along with a whole different outlook that may be a better solution for you.

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Is there a section for intensely serious topics like child abuse experiences?

I, personally, try to help solve current problems and try to help put past trauma into perspective. Whatever happened, happened. It can't be changed; so reliving it is, IMO, counter productive.

It's good to be a "surviving" but far better to be "thriving" and that requires putting your focus and attention to TODAY.

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I've felt that way before.

Do you wanna talk about it?

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I think im gonna end up having another nervous breakdown to be honest.

I keep an art journal of my imaginary life.

When real life is bad, I start thinking about where I'd like to be, and what I wish I was doing. I can write short stories about how I spent my day, glue in pictures of things I'd like to see, clothes I'd like to wear, food I want to try....

It helps me see things from a different point of view and that helps a lot.

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I thought I was going to have a breakdown earlier.

Sometimes you just have to take a few days to yourself. Can you book a weekend out of town or go stay with a friend for a while? It might help you gain some perspective.

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Something has deeply effected my feelings and I can't quite put my finger on it.

I'm sorry you're going through that. :(

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Are there any truly ugly people or are we just judging them and everyone is really beautiful.

Short answer: yes.

Beyond that.... Are we talking physical attractiveness or character?

A person is usually considered physically attractive if they meet the criteria of the beholder, in the wider context of cultural standards. If a culture values slenderness, then slender people will be considered more attractive. Ditto for other physical traits like skin tones, eye color, and even hair style.

But a person can be stunningly beautiful outside but twisted and hideously flawed inside. Murderers, rapists, child abusers...it doesn't matter how slender they are or what beautiful faces they have; they're still ugly.

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Iโ€™m so tired

I'm sorry you're feeling this way, OP. Can you give us more specifics about your situation so we can try to offer more concrete help?

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This site is getting popular again.

Good! Maybe we can rebuild it even better than it was before. :)

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Time to get back on the plane.

have a nice flight.

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